Пытшкӧссӧ чышкӧма Пытшкӧссӧ содтӧма
Новая: Hello! I'm the user Starlight, and I come from Italy. In it.wiki I'm the [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utente:Brisckerly user Brisckerly] My town is Offanengo, in the Cremona Province. ...
Вежӧмсӧ гӧгӧрвоӧдӧмыс абу
Визь 5:
{{use kv-0|}}
This user can't speak komi language. This language is like russian, but more difficult. Some people speaks this language, but... are not so much! This user is: it-M, en-4, es-2, de-1, fr-1 and ru-1. But komi language... 0! '''[[участник:M7|<span style="color:#FF0050;">Cтapлигьт</span>]] - <small>[[Обсуждение участника:M7|<span style="color:#00DD40;">Moя cтpaницa oбсуждения</span>]]</small>''' - [[Участник:M/M7|M]][[Обсуждение участника:M7|/]]